Nurse Practioner Ella Smith
Eluminate Cosmetic Injectables

At Eluminate Cosmetic Injectables your treatment is delivered by our Nurse Practitioner Ella who has over 15 years nursing experience.

Along with cosmetics, Ella has a background in mental health, forensic and emergency nursing.  She completed her cosmetic injectable training in 2020 and has been mentored by some of Melbourne’s most experienced and long term cosmetic injectors.  In 2016 Ella completed her Masters in Advanced Nursing Practice to become a Nurse Practitioner. This allows her to both prescribe and administer your cosmetic treatments, allowing for complete patient care.  Ella has a thorough knowledge of health conditions and medications that may interact with your treatment.  She also works for Instant Cosmetics, the leading national cosmetic scripting company that prescribes to registered nurses across Australia.

At Eluminate Cosmetic Injectables we offer consultations and treatments that may assist in improving skin appearance and reducing wrinkles to face, neck and hands. We review your aesthetic goals with a holistic  view, looking at treatments, practitioner grade skincare, nutrition and hydration.  The goal of Eluminate is to listen to patient concerns and develop a treatment plan that is achievable, realistic and meets expectations without dramatically changing your natural appearance.

Your first appointment will involve a thorough consultation around your cosmetic concerns and areas you wish to treat.  We will take a medical history to ensure you are suitable with no contraindications for treatment then work with you to discuss your treatment options and develop a plan.  We encourage you to ask lots of questions at your consultation. 

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